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How to improve posture

Why Good Posture Important:

Great Posture includes preparing our body to stand, walk, sit and lie in positions where the slightest strain is set on working muscles and tendons during movements or weight bearing activities.

Posture: Position in which you hold your position upright against gravity while sitting, standing or Lying is called Posture. Why it is essential prepare your body to stand, walk and lie with the goal that you put less strain on your body? Give me a chance to give you an illustration, Think about holding your finger and bowing it in reverse and holding it for 2-5 min, it will hurt you right on the grounds that your finger position is in most extreme strain. Similar way When you hold bad posture you put maximam 

Bad Postures?

Most common bad posture is when you catch yourself in question mark positon while sitting.  In this posture your spine always screams what the hell you doing it to me. Because your spine is in maximum strain position.

Consequences of Bad posture

Bad Posture can lead to excessive strain on your muscles and may even cause them to be weaker, when held in certain positions for long periods of time. For example, people who work on desk in question mark posture are more prone to upper back, neck pain.

There are various factors which contributes to poor posture- most commonly, stress, obesity, pregnancy, weak postural muscles, poor work environment, incorrect working posture and unhealthy sitting, standing and lying habits.

This article provides illustration and instruction for correct sitting, Standing, sleeping posture, lifting, and driving Posture.

Sitting Posture:

  • Keep your back straight and the shoulders relaxed
  • Keep knees bent and slightly higher than the hips
  • Keep your feet flat on the ground or resting on a small bench
  • Don’t Cross your legs. Your ankles should be in front of your knees.
  • Keep a small gap between the back of your knees and front of your seat.
  • Back straight with the lower portion of the back pressing against the Chair back
  • Weight of the body spread evenly over each buttock
  • Avoid sitting in same position for long periods of time

Standing Posture:

  • Chin is slightly tucked in and the shoulders are relaxed
  • Ears, shoulders, hips and ankles are aligned
  • Spine's natural curves are maintained
  • Knees are straight or slightly bent
  • Bear your weight primarily on the balls of your feet.
  • Tuck your stomach in.

Lying posture:

  • Find the mattress that is right for you. While a firm mattress is generally recommended, some people find that softer mattresses reduce their back pain. Your comfort is important.
  • Sleep with a pillow. Special pillows are available to help with postural problems resulting from a poor sleeping position.
  • Avoid sleeping on your stomach.
  • Sleeping on your side or back is more often helpful for back pain. If you sleep on your side, place a pillow between your legs. If you sleep on your back, keep a pillow under your kne

Lifting posture:

  • Stand with your feet slightly apart, spread wider than the object.
  • Squat by bending at the knees and hips in front of the object to be lifted with your back straight.
  • Grasp the object by holding it as close to the body as possible.
  • Look in front of you.
  • Contract the muscles of the abdomen, then get up by using your legs and by keeping your back straight.


So what now? 

In case you're perusing this and tired of your bad posture related pain, pop by and talk with one of our physiotherapists to perceive how he/she can help decrease your pain  and enhance your overall Quality of Life.

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